Windham High School's Peer-Tutored Writing Center
Write here. Write now.
The Write Idea is Windham High School's student-staffed, peer-tutored writing center. It was opened in the spring of 2011 as a result of collaboration between Windham High School, the University of Connecticut's "W" Writing Center, and the Connecticut Writing Project. Tutors are nominated by teachers or peers and receive intensive weekly training in writing, as well as in tutoring and questioning techniques. The training they receive is the training brought to Windham High School by the University of Connecticut. Tutors volunteer in the Write Idea during study halls and after school.
Tutors are trained in writing across the curriculum and are able to help with writing assignments in multiple disciplines. They are also ready, willing, and able to work with students on personal writing. A tutoring session generally takes a full class period and focuses on higher-order concerns such as organization, development, details, and thesis statements. It is important to note that the Write Idea is not an editing or proofreading service, and that student writers are expected to take an active part in revising and developing their writing.
Peer tutoring is a reciprocal relationship that improves the writing skills and interpersonal skills of both tutoring client and writing tutor. The Write Idea fosters collaboration with the surrounding community and has been a cornerstone of a relationship between Windham High School and UCONN, as well as a new connection with Eastern Connecticut State University. In addition, the Write Idea regularly interacts with sister writing centers located at Bolton High School and East Windsor High School.
Tutors also assume responsibility for special projects, such as the creation of promotional videos and the coordination of literacy events. They also assist with the planning and creation of the annual yearly Lock-In for Literacy and Culture featuring keynote speakers that are award-winning young adult authors (pictures on the right are of the Spring 2018 Lock-In for Literacy & Culture featuring Sarah Darer Littman). For more information on becoming a Write Idea tutor (which looks fantastic on a college application!) or on scheduling a tutoring session, please contact Mrs. Dara Bowling at or (860) 465-2460.
Featured in The Chronicle: "Focus on Windham High School"
The Chronicle's Publisher Michael Schroeder and Editor Michael Lemanski have invited area schools to create a page each month that highlights their schools, and that will be published as a part of the daily newspaper.
The Write Idea Writing Center tutors at Windham High School have taken the lead on this project, under the guidance of teacher advisor Dara Bowling.
The Chronicle invited Windham High School to lead off this new feature, with the first issue on Wednesday, October 3. Watch for this student-produced news page, "Focus on Windham High School," in Windham's daily newspaper, The Chronicle, monthly!